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UV LIGHTING Creating a Safe and Healthy Community

AT THE RETREAT SENIOR LIVING In Grand Prairie, Your Health And Safety Are Our Top Priority!

Our brand-new luxury active senior community is setting the standard in the fight against Covid-19 and all viruses, bacteria, molds, and allergens. We have the latest technology for UV (Ultraviolet) Lighting and Air Purification Systems on the property and in each luxury apartment home. Designed to help protect the health and safety of our residents, guests and staff; a Temperature Screening kiosk will be installed at the entrance. This system will alert staff members of those with a temperature (above the normal threshold) entering the building. This kiosk helps to facilitate operations while reducing the risk of virus transmission between residents, guests and staff. This kiosk will also be used for resident gatherings such as Social Hours, Resident Events, and Movie Nights, to name a few. These features will allow our residents to return to a normal course of entertainment in their new home and community! The benefits of the Temperature Screening kiosk are:

  • Reduces access by those infected,
  • Maintains a “safe” living environment for all our residents and staff,
  • More hygienic than thermometers requiring physical contact, and
  • Reduces stress and anxiety for residents, guests and staff.

About The UV Light Technology & Air Purification Systems At The Retreat Senior Living :

2020 UV Automatic Telescoping Room Disinfection Devices NASA Technology, The Air Scrubber Plus G2000 In-Duct PCO Photocatalytic Oxidation UV Air Purifier

Why UV Light? The air within your home and community is constantly recirculated, meaning it is only moved from room to room, and never really replaced with fresh air. This creates serious health concerns, including the quick spread of mold, viruses, bacteria and allergens through your home. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to a myriad of health conditions, including asthma, allergies, upper respiratory infections, and more. The Composition of Indoor Air Quality ~ What makes up the air in your home? Shockingly, 80% of the particulates in your home’s air are skin cells. The other 20% is primarily made up of toxins, contaminants and other threats ranging from mold spores, yeast to cleaning product fumes and everything in between. In fact, your home’s air might include up to 350 different contaminants. By installing the UV Light Purification Systems throughout our community and your apartment home, it improves the quality of your indoor air and reduces harmful pollutants and allergens. UV Light delivers powerful benefits! Ultraviolet light has proven completely effective in destroying microorganisms like mold spores and mildew, as well as viruses and other health threats that would otherwise simply be cycled through your apartment home and our communities HVAC system. We have also installed the new 2020 UV Automatic Telescoping Room Disinfection Devices throughout the community and Common Areas. This device neutralizes microorganisms, pathogens, viruses, harmful bacteria, Coronavirus, and other biomatter. Designed with safety in mind, the Sterilizer Features radar detection automatically shuts off the device if unexpected visitors such as pets enter the room while it is in operation. This latest technology is used by hospitals and recommended by doctors.

Don’t Take Our Word For It…

The New Yorker writes: “UV light is lethal to bacteria and Viruses because of its high frequency that scrambles and damages their nuclear material.” Web MD says, “The sanitizing effects of UV Lights have been seen with other coronaviruses, including those that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Studies have shown that it is effective against other Coronaviruses.” In addition to the UV Light Technology, we have also installed the State-of-the-Art, NASA Technology AIR SCRUBBER PLUS which incorporates NASA Ethylene-scrubbing technology. This Air Purification Product is unique by catching the circulated air (generated by a building’s Heating and Cooling Ventilation- HVAC System) and produces molecules that disseminate into the environment, killing pathogens in the air and on surfaces. Every Apartment Home will have its own individual air purifier, the G2000 In-Duct PCO Photocatalytic Oxidation UV Air Purifier. This UV (ultraviolet) Air Purifier works to retain the air in your apartment’s air ducts clean and pure. It combines the power of Ultraviolet Light with Titanium Dioxide (TIO2). UV Light is capable of breaking organic molecular bonds that hold biological cells together. Even a single, brief exposure to UV light can be sufficient to destroy mold, bacteria, viruses and many allergens. This system works in two ways. First, the cellular damage caused by exposure to UV light makes biologic agents incapable of reproducing. Second, it ultimately leads to wide-scale destruction of unwanted, potentially harmful elements in your home’s air. UV Light can be effective on bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and allergens. This Purification System will cleanse and sterilize the air in the apartment home as well as in the ductwork, ensuring that threats are eliminated at all points. This will prevent the spread of contaminants through your home. It also destroys organic threats and removes harmful VOCs and noxious odors with the most advanced purification system yet.

What Is Photocatalytic Oxidation?

We have explained how UV light destroys biological agents, but what is photocatalytic oxidation and how does it work? It is nothing more than the oxidation of titanium from pure metal into titanium dioxide. During this process, super-oxide ions are produced, as are hydroxyl radicals. These aggressively combat harmful VOCs and noxious odors in your home, reducing them dramatically in a short period of time.

What Are VOCs?

VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are harmful compounds found in many household items today, from cleaning products to the furniture in your home. They include components like ammonia and formaldehyde. During the photocatalytic oxidation process, these compounds are “stripped” from the air, ensuring better indoor air quality and improved health for you and your family. At THE RETREAT SENIOR LIVING at Grand Prairie your health is an investment to us, not an expense. We have your wellness in mind and want to assure you that the health and safety of our residents, your guests and the staff is our Top Priority.

For more information on our UV Products please visit: